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- 熊市入市的心理關口
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2022 is tough
同過去兩年完全相反,今年買咩都跌咁制:無論係 mega cap 嘅 FAANG、超級穩陣嘅藍籌定係疫情升咗唔知幾多倍嘅 meme stocks,能源股之外幾乎無一倖免,兩、三成起跳咁跌。
睇下面幅圖就見到今年標普 500 有四分一時間跌 1% 或以上,比今年勁嘅年份要數到 2008 年(金融海嘯)同 2002 年(dot-com bubble、9/11後):
Buy the Dip 仲 work 唔 work?
《華爾街日報》早幾日頭版有篇叫 "Stock Downturn Brings Pain To Buy-the-Dip Investors",話投資者係股市大跌嘅日子繼續入市:
...... Sept. 13, when the S&P 500 tumbled 4.3% in its sharpest one-day fall since 2020. Individual investors bought more than $2 billion of U.S. shares and exchange-traded funds that day, the second-highest total of the year. They bought $395 million of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust alone that day, the highest one-day amount of 2022.
U.S. households have poured more money into U.S. equity mutual funds and ETFs than they have pulled out for the year. U.S. funds have drawn $89 billion of net inflows in 2022, according to EPFR Global data analyzed by Goldman Sachs.
報導指標普 500 係 9 月 13 號跌 4.3%,係 2020 年以嚟最大單日跌幅,但當日個人投資者買入超過 20 億美元嘅美國股票同 ETF(金額今年第二高),單係買 SPY(標普 500 指數基金)就買咗 3.95 億,係 2022 年最高單日金額,而年初至今美國基金淨流入 890 億,證明散戶繼續逢低吸納!
可惜今年 buy the dip 特別痛:
上圖見到自 1930 年標普 500 單日下跌 1% 之後一星期嘅平均表現明顯升多過跌,近呢 30 年更加跌得少,但今年基本上係跌完又跌,平均再跌 1 %,對上一次咁劣嘅 buy the dip 表現已經要追溯到 1980 年。
熊市入市 之後 hold 20+ 年
跌市並唔罕見,1970 至 2019 年呢 50 年總共經歷 7 次衰退同 10 次熊市,雖則無得就咁攞歷史數據推測未來,但個概念係股市就係會上上落落,每一次都咁痛,重點係你嘅計劃係咩,你啲錢幾耐之後先會用得著,同埋你點樣克服恐慌唔會亂咁 sell,因為買股票蝕錢不外乎係:好熱門、係咁升 > 高位入 > 股市跌 > 其他人恐慌開始賣 > 你急住放 > 結果 buy high sell low。
我地唔係 institutional investor(機構投資者),無佢地咁大資本同影響力,所以我地無能力亦無辦法控制股市,但我地可以控制嘅就係自己儲蓄、消費、每個月定期投資幾多等等,想做百萬美金富翁唔係一、兩年就可以達到,但堅持 20 年?Why not?
祝大家荷包早日fat fat 🤑
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